University of Zurich, Department of Geography, Hydrology and Climate Group
CrowdWater game
Data quality control and improvement of crowdsourced water level data
- Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsGeographyEcology & EnvironmentOcean Water MarineClimate & Weathergamestream levelstreamflowstreamshydrologyriverswater levelflooddroughtwatercrowdwater
More Information
The CrowdWater game is based on data from the CrowdWater app. App users contribute photos of water levels worldwide. Photo pairs from the same site can then be compared to each other in the CrowdWater game. This helps to verify the incoming data and to improve the quality of water level time series. Players can earn points and every month they can win prizes.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English