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south carolina
within 25 miles
Dec 27, 2024
12 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities

Ghosts of the Coast

Document the formation of ghost forests.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceOcean Water MarineEducationEcology & Environmentcoastal ecologysweet gumkeryn gedanclimate changetideghosts of the coastsaltecologythe george washington universitygroundwatermaritime forestmullica river estuarygeologyfloodnew jerseysaltwater marshsalt stressdying forestgeographygedan labvirginia coast reserveeastern shoresomerset countybleached treeswoodcoastaldisturbanceestuarysalt tolerant plantscattus islandland conversiontree deathvirginiafloridasalt tolerantsalt waterdying treespineglobal warmingfloodingmarsh migrationsea level risespartina patenstree stumpsalinesoilwetlandsrising seassapswampchanging landscapetidal inundationsawgrassdelmarva peninsulastormsaltwater marshesregenerationcoastal marine ecologycoastal educationdead treesseawatergeorgialow elevationdroughtdelaware bayriverbanknew yorkshorelinewildfiresghost foresthurricanekilling treesblackwater national refugecedarstorymapmarylandsurvey123south carolinachanging shorelineeast coastprime hook national wildlife refugecordgrasstributarieschesapeake baynorth carolinasalt water intrusionmid atlanticsaltwatermarshstumpmarineforestphragmitesdelawareblue crabblack needle rush

Charleston County Parks, SC Sea Grant Consortium, Grice Marine Lab, & Clemson Extension

SC Biodiscovery Program

Provide hands-on exploration, connect students and teachers along a watershed and/or across the state through the collection of biodiversity and water quality data, establish STEM skills.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsEcology & EnvironmentAgriculture monitoring marine biologywildlife monitoring waterwater quality monitoring biodiversityanimalswatermarine biologyfield work field work wildlife monitoringmonitoring water quality monitoringwater quality water qualitybiodiversity

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