Museum of Discovery and Science
2025 Fort Lauderdale Children’s Business Fair
Museum of Discovery and Science FL
- March 29, 2025 at 3:00 PM through 6:00 PM
Museum of Discovery and Science FL
Document the population numbers of hawks in Acadia National Park
Bar Harbor, Maine
Monitor water quality.
Multiple locations, including yours!
To understand the population of bats in Wisconsin.
Multiple locations, including yours!
Engage volunteers to collect water quality data on their local streams
Multiple locations, including yours!
early warning system for acute river pollution incidents
Multiple locations, including yours!
Participate in mountain plant monitoring for climate science research
Multiple locations, including yours!
Eradicate rubber vine from the West Kimberley of Northern Western Australia using Citizen Science.
Multiple locations, including yours!
Conserve, protect, and restore Arcade Creek
Multiple locations, including yours!
Catalina State Park Arizona