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Dec 26, 2024
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ALA species sightings and OzAtlas

Your contributions matter! Add your native wildlife and plant images and sightings records to the Atlas of Living Australia where they can be found and used by scientists in biodiversity research and management.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsInsects & PollinatorsAnimalsEcology & EnvironmentBirdsBiologyplantreptilebirdbiodiversitymammalaustraliainsects & pollinatorsecologyinsects & pollinators, animal, plant, records, biodiversity, atlas, australia, insect, ala, reptile, ecology, mammal, bird, birds, animalsalainsectrecordsanimalatlas

Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium Inc.

Bell Miner Associated Dieback Best Practice Project

Evaluate the removal of mid-storey density in disturbed forests using prescribed fire, weed control and bush regeneration as a method to restore BMAD affected forest.

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEducationEcology & EnvironmentBirdslocations of native bell miner coloniesbell miner associated dieback (bmad)gondwana world heritagebmad affected forestbird monitoring birds biodiversitylandholdersaustraliatree health across the northern rivers region of new south wales treesdata


Budawang Coast Atlas of Life

We aim to document the natural world to species level, increase our individual and collective knowledge, sharing our information and learnings with the broader community. We work across tenures from protected areas, including national and marine parks, to private land and everything in between.

  • Ongoing
Citizen Science biodiversityindigenous knowledgelong-term species monitoringnswbiologyoceanbiodiversity communitycommunitymarine & terrestrialecology & environmentnature & outdoorsanimalsinsects & pollinators birdsaustraliageology & soilsecology

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