Rob Dunn Lab
Ant Picnic
Inform scientists about global food preferences of ants
- Ongoing
Inform scientists about global food preferences of ants
Participation in Climate Watch provides Audubon scientists with data to validate and refine our models for where species’ ranges will shift under the effects of climate change.
Multiple locations, including yours!
BirdLife Australia’s Aussie Backyard Bird Count app allows you to take part in our annual national bird survey. For one week each year in late October, as part of National Bird Week, join thousands of people as they get to know their local birds and help us discover how our birds are getting on.
Multiple locations, including yours!
Monitor the daily emergence patterns of a Big Brown Bat maternity colony
Show live and historical honeybee health statistics
Map Pollen and Nectar Sources
Meet on the first Monday of each month for guest speakers, local sightings, field-trips, and organized bird counts.
Greenville North Carolina
Help map bird distribution in the Greater Chicago region.
Collect data on bird sightings and locations
To detect changes in bat populations through annual monitoring
Multiple locations, including yours!