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forest health
within 25 miles
Dec 26, 2024
16 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities

Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium Inc.

Bell Miner Associated Dieback Best Practice Project

Evaluate the removal of mid-storey density in disturbed forests using prescribed fire, weed control and bush regeneration as a method to restore BMAD affected forest.

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEducationEcology & EnvironmentBirds birdsdatabell miner associated dieback (bmad)bmad affected forestbird monitoringlandholderslocations of native bell miner colonies trees biodiversitygondwana world heritageaustraliatree health across the northern rivers region of new south wales

Earthwise Aware

EwA Trail Report

Contribute to EwA’s urban habitat health & fragmentation studies, and help ecological assessment and management of sensitive areas in the Greater Boston Area (Massachusetts, U.S.)

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEcology & Environment science litterforest forestpark usagelitter park usagebiodiversity biodiversitypollutionscience reservationstrail hazardsreservations monitoringfield workplastic pollutionmonitoring plastic pollution field worktrail trail pollutiongreen spaces trail hazardsdog waste forestsforests green spaces

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