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geology & soils
within 25 miles
Dec 26, 2024
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Budawang Coast Atlas of Life

We aim to document the natural world to species level, increase our individual and collective knowledge, sharing our information and learnings with the broader community. We work across tenures from protected areas, including national and marine parks, to private land and everything in between.

  • Ongoing
Citizen Scienceecology & environment biodiversityinsects & pollinators nsw communityoceanaustraliabiodiversitygeology & soilsanimalslong-term species monitoringecologybirdsmarine & terrestrialindigenous knowledgebiologycommunitynature & outdoors

Ghosts of the Coast

Document the formation of ghost forests.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceOcean Water MarineEducationEcology & Environmentfloodingswampsalt tolerantcoastal marine ecologycedarmid atlanticthe george washington universitystormtributariesnorth carolinawetlandsphragmitesblackwater national refugespartina patensblack needle rushsurvey123sapsouth carolinarising seassalinewoodeastern shoresalt tolerant plantssalt water intrusionchesapeake baysaltwater marshescoastal ecologysalt waterhurricanetidal inundationclimate changegedan labdisturbancechanging shorelinesea level risenew jerseychanging landscapeecologyvirginiablue crabdelmarva peninsuladying treeskilling treesgeologysoilcoastal educationtree stumpshorelinecattus islandsawgrasstree deathgroundwaterglobal warminggeorgiavirginia coast reservesaltdead treeswildfiresstumpsalt stresssweet gumfloridamaritime forestforestlow elevationprime hook national wildlife refugestorymapregenerationcordgrassgeographyriverbankbleached treestidesomerset countymarylanddelawarenew yorkmarinepinefloodseawaterestuarysaltwaterkeryn gedanmarsh migrationghosts of the coastdroughtcoastaldelaware baysaltwater marshghost foresteast coastmarshdying forestland conversionmullica river estuary

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