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ghosts of the coast
within 25 miles
Dec 26, 2024
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Ghosts of the Coast

Document the formation of ghost forests.

Multiple locations, including yours!

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Citizen ScienceOcean Water MarineEducationEcology & Environmentkilling treesland conversionvirginia coast reservewetlandssalinesaltwater marshestuarysapsaltwater marshesdisturbancewildfiresblue crabvirginiaseawatersurvey123geologyblackwater national refugesoilfloridakeryn gedantidal inundationpinemid atlantictributariesecologyblack needle rushdroughteastern shoreshorelinesaltmarylandcedarspartina patenssouth carolinaswampcoastalsaltwatercoastal educationcoastal ecologyhurricanesalt stressghosts of the coastchanging shorelinethe george washington universitynew jerseytree stumpdelawarebleached treesmullica river estuarygroundwatermarshdying foreststormgeographysalt tolerant plantsdelmarva peninsulanorth carolinaprime hook national wildlife refugecordgrassmaritime forestglobal warmingriverbankfloodrising seastideclimate changestorymapgeorgiafloodingsomerset countymarinedead treessweet gumsawgrassghost forestwoodsalt water intrusioncoastal marine ecologymarsh migrationeast coastphragmitesforestsalt tolerantchesapeake bayregenerationsalt waterstumpsea level risetree deathcattus islandnew yorkdelaware baydying treeslow elevationgedan labchanging landscape

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