Ilmenau University of Technology and the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena
Discover plant diversity with Flora Incognita
Identify plant species and contribute to biodiversity monitoring
- Ongoing
Identify plant species and contribute to biodiversity monitoring
Provides information on designing and building a bioprinter
Use NatureMapr app to collect Eucalypt sightings and record plant health
Multiple locations, including yours!
Understand where the invasive fig buttercup has spread in Wake County.
Near your search location!
Testing edible plant options for long-distance space travel.
Track the distribution and prevalence of honeysuckle leaf blight
Help resource managers study and record the benefits of urban trees!
Multiple locations, including yours!
A free one-day STEM course that provides hands-on learning for high school students with a physical or cognitive disability.
Multiple locations, including yours!
Monitor local stream ecosystem health
This is a citizen science-based project aimed at raising public awareness of the devastating impact the Cat’s Claw Creeper has on our natural environments as well as contributing to a better understanding of the establishment and dispersal processes of biological control agents as well as their effe
Multiple locations, including yours!