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long-term species monitoring
within 25 miles
Dec 26, 2024
23 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities

Brisbane Ranges National Park Koalas

Record sightings of koalas in the Brisbane Ranges National Park, Steiglitz Historic Park and nearby areas. Data will be used to monitor the resident koala population and determine their preferred locations to live and breed. This information will guide management decisions about the park.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen Sciencelong-term species monitoring, ecology, biodiversity, victoria, animals, ecology & environment, koalabrisbane ranges national park, national parkecology & environmentkoala brisbane ranges national parkbiodiversitylong-term species monitoringecologyanimals victoria


Budawang Coast Atlas of Life

We aim to document the natural world to species level, increase our individual and collective knowledge, sharing our information and learnings with the broader community. We work across tenures from protected areas, including national and marine parks, to private land and everything in between.

  • Ongoing
Citizen Scienceaustraliainsects & pollinatorsecologygeology & soilsnswbiodiversitylong-term species monitoring indigenous knowledgemarine & terrestrialnature & outdoorsanimalsbiologyocean biodiversity communitybirdsecology & environmentcommunity


Cedar Creek: Eyes on the Wild

Understand wildlife dynamics in Minnesota

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEcology & EnvironmentNature & OutdoorsAnimalsmidwestern usabisonreservedeerecologytrail cameraherbivoresbiological field stationecosystemmeso-predatorswildlifesoil biodiversityboreal coniferous foresteastern deciduous forestfaunaclassify imagesfloradiversitylargest biomes of north americabirdsnatureenvironmentminnesotaanimal life.biologypredatorstallgrass prairieplant


EchidnaWatch aims to collate information on the distribution of echidnas in Queensland. This information is shared with the EPA Wildnet data repository and other organisations, to help plan for better outcomes for echidnas. We also need information on how the echidna is coping

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen Scienceecology & environmentecologyanimalsterrestriallong-term species monitoringnature & outdoorsbiodiversitynature & outdoors, ecology & environment, animals, terrestrial, biodiversity, long-term species monitoring, ecology

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