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within 25 miles
Dec 27, 2024
41 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities

ALA species sightings and OzAtlas

Your contributions matter! Add your native wildlife and plant images and sightings records to the Atlas of Living Australia where they can be found and used by scientists in biodiversity research and management.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsInsects & PollinatorsAnimalsEcology & EnvironmentBirdsBiologyrecordsinsectmammalanimalatlasaustraliabirdinsects & pollinatorsinsects & pollinators, animal, plant, records, biodiversity, atlas, australia, insect, ala, reptile, ecology, mammal, bird, birds, animalsreptileecologybiodiversityplantala


Athenian Clubhouse

Wondering how to level up your skills and make your high school resume shine? Join the virtual STEM club - Athenian!

  • Ongoing
CampClubCommunityCompetitionCreate-a-ThonForumMake-a-ThonMakerMaker FaireMediaResearchScience_BloggingServiceTinkerTinker FaireTrainingVolunteeringWorkshopProfessional DevelopmentAstronomy & SpaceArtChemistryComputers & TechnologyDesignEducationEngineeringGeneral ScienceMathematicsPhysicsRoboticsTechnologyTransportationAwardsleadershipafterschoolextra curricular clubcollege prepgirls onlyportfolioSTEM clubcareer explorationcapstone project

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