Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
ARTigo builds an artwork search engine
Multiple locations, including yours!
- Ongoing
ARTigo builds an artwork search engine
Multiple locations, including yours!
Exploring ways to study behavior while protecting identities.
Count yearly population of spawning horseshoe crabs at Mayo Peninsula Parks, Anne Arundel County Maryland
Near your search location!
Assess effects of human activity & climate change on nesting
The data is used to study the current conditions of the Purple Martin population and determine how it may be changing over time as a result of habitat variations, climate change, and the introduction of non-native species.
Multiple locations, including yours!
Create a jellyfish database in Colombia (where and when)
Learn more about beech trees and Litylenchus cretenae nematodes.
Search for rare species of Bumble Bee in Southern Appalachia
Multiple locations, including yours!
To improve knowledge of egglaying shark & skate distribution.
Multiple locations, including yours!