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within 25 miles
Dec 27, 2024
8 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities

University of Missouri

Lakes of Missouri Volunteer Program

Monitor water quality of Missouri Lakes

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceOcean Water MarineEcology & EnvironmentNature & OutdoorsChemistryEducationqualityvolunteerlake of the ozarkstoxinboatsmithvilletable rocksedimentcitizencyanotoxinsciencenutrientscitizen sciencewaternitrogenblue greenmissouriphosphorussecchi disklakefiltermozingomark twainmicrocystinalgaeblue green algaefiltrationsecchireservoirtrumanchlorophyllstockton

Prescott College

Returning Rapids Western Grand Canyon

To monitor and understand the returning rapids of the Western Grand Canyon’s Colorado River.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen Science riverreturning rapids hydrology rapidsmonitoringclimate change colorado river monitoring droughtdroughtlava cliff western grand canyonwestern grand canyonrapidsriver rafting returning rapidswater quality river rafting grand canyoncolorado riverlake mead lava cliffhydrology lake meadrivergrand canyon water quality

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