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University of Idaho Extension

IDAH₂O Master Water Stewards

Cost Indoors and outdoors

Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Program

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Citizen ScienceInsects & PollinatorsSocial ScienceEcology & EnvironmentEducationNature & OutdoorsAgriculturewater science educationcitizen science watervolunteer water qualityidah2oidahoextension volunteernaidah20
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University of Idaho Extension

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The IDAH2O Master Water Steward program participants attend an 8-hour workshop which combines classroom instruction and hands-on field work.

A certified Master Water Steward then can adopt a stream location to conduct regular monitoring of habitat, biological, chemical and physical assessments. Stewards upload all data collected to an interactive HIS website that is publicly available. Another focus of the program is to educate citizens on the science behind water quality and to help them understand streams, rivers and lakes systems. Youth involvement and K-12 participation (formal and after-school enrichment) is also strongly supported.

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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