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Izaak Walton League of America

Stream Selfie

Free Outdoors

Map streams across the country and start testing the waters.

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Citizen ScienceEducationNature & OutdoorsOcean Water MarineEcology & EnvironmentGeographySocial ScienceGeology & Earth Sciencestream selfietop 22 in 2022stream monitoringwater monitoring siteswatercrowd sourcingstreamstop viewed 2021photographywetlandsgirl scoutstop2022rivervolunteer monitoring
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Hosted by
Izaak Walton League of America

More Information

What’s in YOUR water? We all have the right to know if the streams running through our backyards and neighborhood parks are safe. But there is an alarming lack of up-to-date information about water quality across the country. Stream Selfie is here to bridge that information gap.

Stream Selfie connects you with thousands of other citizen scientists to paint a picture of streams across America. Simply snap a pic of your local stream and share it here.

Your photo is step one in our effort to check the health of every stream in the country – far more streams than state and local agencies have the resources to check!

Thousands of people are working toward a common goal: clean water. Will you join us?

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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