Virtual Reef Diver
The aim of the project is to tap into the power of citizen science to dramatically
increase the amount of monitoring data within the Great Barrier Reef, and then
translate these crowd-sourced data into valuable information that managers can
use to make better decisions.
In a specific area
- Ongoing
Citizen Science monitoringwatercitizen science coral reefmarine & terrestrialcoral reefgreat barrier reefecologycoralsoft coral coralbiodiversity classifying imagesmonitoring underwater photographyalgae citizen sciencenature & outdoorsunderwater photographyocean hard coralhard coral algaeecology & environmentclimate & meteorologyclassifying images soft coral
More Information
Virtual Reef Diver is a collaboration between scientists, managers, citizens, data
analysts, marine explorers and reef operators working together to record, analyse
and predict coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef.
Ticket Required: No
Minimum Age: 13
Languages: English