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citizen scientists
within 25 miles
Dec 26, 2024
318 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities

ACT & Southern Tablelands Weedspotter

The aim of this project is to involve community members in the early detection and reporting of weeds so that ACT government and NSW council weeds officers can respond quickly to minimise the potential spread of problem weeds.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen Sciencecoomamulwareesnowy rivermonarobombalagoulburnweedswingecaribeequeanbeyanbiodiversitypalerangtumutnswnrmlocal land services councilweedmulwaree, nrm, act, council, palerang, wingecaribee, queanbeyan, yass, shire, bombala, goulburn, lls, south east, lachlan, weed, nsw, local land services, snowy river, southern tablelands, monaro, tumut, cooma, weedssouth eastsouthern tablelandsecology & environmentyass actllslachlanshire


Adopt-A-Waterway-Fraser Town Watershed

We want to identify and better understand everywhere within town where water flows toward, into, and along our waterways including riparian (water-side) corridors:• Where do we have flooding and flows, especially with Spring snowmelt and rainstorms.• What is the water quality and when – generally clear? Sometimes or always turbid (muddy)? Forms pools and gets real funky?• What flora and fauna does the water support – willows? Songbirds? Pollinators? Frogs? • What are the seasonal patterns?

  • Ongoing
Citizen Science

Rob Dunn Lab

Ant Picnic

Inform scientists about global food preferences of ants

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsInsects & PollinatorsEducationEcology & EnvironmentOcean Water MarineFoodAgriculturegirl scoutsoutsidepicnicsummer reading 2021winterfunfalldietrob dunn labsummercookiestop 22 in 2022springnutritionrob dunnant picnicantnorth carolinaantstop viewed 2021top2022nutrientsdunn labyour wild lifewildlife


Aquatic habitat monitoring

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEcology & EnvironmentBiologyOcean Water Marinewaterappstreamriverhabitataquaticsmartphonelake

2B Technologies, Inc.

AQTreks (AirQualityTreks)

Monitor air pollution levels and map air pollution around the US

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceNature & OutdoorsGeographyEducationCrowd FundingTransportationEcology & EnvironmentComputers & TechnologyClimate & WeatherChemistryOcean Water Marinewinterdatabasedataweather dataglobal warmingautumnec2020hikingiphonecarbon dioxideairequityoutdoorsmobile applicationcitizen scienceclimate changeandroidsciencenatureappclimate monitoringcarbon monoxideparticulate matterair pollutioncommunity-based monitoringbicyclingair quality indexsummerusaenvironmentspringgirl scoutssmartphone applicationstemexperimentweatherclimateair qualityenvironmental justiceair pollution monitoringinvestigation

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