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Dec 26, 2024
9 opportunities found! use fewer search filter criteria to find more opportunities


Cedar Creek: Eyes on the Wild

Understand wildlife dynamics in Minnesota

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceEcology & EnvironmentNature & OutdoorsAnimalsboreal coniferous forestnatureplantfloraenvironmentfaunameso-predatorsbisoneastern deciduous forestherbivoresdeerpredatorswildlifeminnesotabiologylargest biomes of north americabiological field stationtrail cameratallgrass prairiereservebirdsclassify imagessoil biodiversitymidwestern usaecologyecosystemanimal life.diversity

Virtual Reef Diver

The aim of the project is to tap into the power of citizen science to dramatically
increase the amount of monitoring data within the Great Barrier Reef, and then
translate these crowd-sourced data into valuable information that managers can
use to make better decisions.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen Sciencehard coralsoft coral algaeclassifying images monitoringcoral reef citizen sciencemarine & terrestrialalgae coralwaterunderwater photographyecology classifying imagesecology & environment underwater photographynature & outdoorscitizen sciencecoralbiodiversity coral reefmonitoring hard coral soft coralgreat barrier reefclimate & meteorologyocean

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