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within 25 miles
Dec 26, 2024
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Adopt-A-Waterway-Fraser Town Watershed

We want to identify and better understand everywhere within town where water flows toward, into, and along our waterways including riparian (water-side) corridors:• Where do we have flooding and flows, especially with Spring snowmelt and rainstorms.• What is the water quality and when – generally clear? Sometimes or always turbid (muddy)? Forms pools and gets real funky?• What flora and fauna does the water support – willows? Songbirds? Pollinators? Frogs? • What are the seasonal patterns?

  • Ongoing
Citizen Science

Ghosts of the Coast

Document the formation of ghost forests.

Multiple locations, including yours!

  • Ongoing
Citizen ScienceOcean Water MarineEducationEcology & Environmentchanging landscaperising seasblue crabland conversiondying treesmarshphragmitesgeographychanging shorelinesalt watermid atlanticprime hook national wildlife refugesoilmarylandmarsh migrationsaltwatersomerset countypinecoastal ecologydying forestmullica river estuaryspartina patenssalt tolerantsurvey123eastern shoregedan labfloodingsalt stresskilling treescordgrasssalineglobal warmingeast coastcedartree deathsapshorelinedelaware baycattus islandestuarysalt tolerant plantshurricaneswampcoastal marine ecologymaritime forestdelmarva peninsulachesapeake bayregenerationfloridafloodwoodtributariesdroughtdead treessweet gumwildfiressalt water intrusionbleached treesvirginia coast reservesaltwater marshnorth carolinalow elevationtidal inundationsawgrasssaltwater marshessouth carolinawetlandsghost forestblack needle rushvirginiathe george washington universitystumpkeryn gedantidecoastalseawaterclimate changecoastal educationgeologystormghosts of the coastforestdelawarenew yorkstorymapnew jerseygroundwatersea level riseblackwater national refugetree stumpriverbankdisturbanceecologygeorgiasaltmarine

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