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Landslide Reporter

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Build open global landslide data for science and decision-making.

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Citizen ScienceGeographyEducationOcean Water MarineNature & OutdoorsGeology & Earth ScienceEcology & EnvironmentPolicymudslidesnatural disastererosionlandslidevgidisaster responsegisnatural hazardsgeographical information systemsvolunteered geographic information (vgi)nasalandslidescrowdmapping
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Landslides affect nearly all countries, but we still don’t have a clear worldwide picture on where and when landslides occur. Citizen scientists like you can help NASA scientists to build the largest open global landslide catalog, the Cooperative Open Online Landslide Repository (COOLR), using our web application Landslide Reporter.

When you encounter a landslide in your neighborhood or in the local news, submit it using Landslide Reporter on your mobile device or computer. Once your submission is reviewed and approved by NASA scientists, it will appear in COOLR and can be viewed with a separate web application, Landslide Viewer.

Our goal is to open access to and quantity of landslide data on a global scale to save lives and property. Your reports are key towards guiding awareness of landslide hazards for improving scientific modeling and emergency response. To get involved and begin adding your landslide events to the global database, visit the Get Started tab on our website, https://landslides.nasa.gov.

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Ticket Required: No

Minimum Age: 13

Languages: English

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